If you are from the South, this entry may make sense to you. If you are from the North or West or Midwest, you may wind up scratching your head. Nonetheless: I was born in 1952 in New Orleans, Louisiana. I don’t remember playing with any black kids. In 1957 we moved to Metaire, a suburb of New Orleans. Sociologists would say we were part of “white flight”, white families moving out of the city to live in all-white neighborhoods (and to be away from Negroes). I am 67 now, so none of my early memories seem crystal clear. My exposure to black people, for many years, was limited to our maids, a succession of black ladies who came once a week. We were strictly middle class, but most families on our block had a maid. They were usually paid $5 a day, plus car fare (they took the bus that dropped them off at Veterans Highway and the entrance to our subdivision, called Bissonet Plaza). They worked from about 8 to 5. ...