This post is dedicated to my 6 nephews and nieces. I’m not in touch with the younger set (two nieces, one nephew, who are in their early 20s) but I will alert them as best i can about this blog post. I am in touch with the older set (also two nieces, one nephew, who are in their mid 30s). I’m writing this post to them and all the young people I know (for purposes of this blog post, i am including anyone under 40). When I was in 9 th grade, we had a subject called Civics. I don’t know when things changed in the world of school subjects, but I’m fairly sure Civics isn’t taught anymore, which I think is a real shame. I’ve always been grateful for an education about how the political system works. We learned that there were 3 branches of government at the federal level. You’d be surprised at the number of people who don’t know that. We were taught that voting matters. Right now it matters A LOT. We h...