
This post is dedicated to my 6 nephews and nieces.  I’m not in touch with the younger set (two nieces, one nephew, who are in their early 20s) but I will alert them as best i can about this blog post.  I am in touch with the older set (also two nieces, one nephew, who are in their mid 30s).  I’m writing this post to them and all the young people I know (for purposes of this blog post, i am including anyone under 40).


When I was in 9th grade, we had a subject called Civics.  I don’t know when things changed in the world of school subjects, but I’m fairly sure Civics isn’t taught anymore, which I think is a real shame.  I’ve always been grateful for an education about how the political system works.  We learned that there were 3 branches of government at the federal level.  You’d be surprised at the number of people who don’t know that.  We were taught that voting matters. 


Right now it matters A LOT.  We have the worst president in history.  The country is reeling from the COVID epidemic, the economy has fallen apart, the Affordable Care Act may be overturned by the Supreme Court, and climate change is ravaging the planet.  The president is actually a narcissistic sociopath (if not worse).  I can hear my nieces and nephews and other young folks saying “Oh, politicians are all a bunch of crooks”.  I virulently disagree.  Perhaps some or most politicians are crooked, but I can name 5 honest public servants (people who served as their contribution to improving society) off the top of my head:  Barack Obama, John McCain, Hillary Clinton, Mitt Romney, Kamala Harris.  And I’ll debate you on those if you don’t agree.


The other complaint I usually hear is “It’s not going to make any difference.”  This shows a lack of understanding of what the government does.  Medical coverage through your job costing you more?  That’s probably due to legislation passed by Congress.  Gay and able to get married?  That’s due to the Supreme Court.  Hitting the same pothole every time you drive home?  That’s your local government.  Pissed off about movie theatres being closed because of COVID?  That’s a combination of state and local rules.


So, Please VOTE!!!

And Comment on and Share this blog post.  Thanks!


  1. You rock, my friend! What a clear and helpful way to break it down. Thank you!!

  2. Well said Rich! I strongly agree civics should be taught and be a required subject, and I admire your focus on the younger generation. We need strong, well-educated young leaders and role models who chose an evidence-based reality, if we’re to save the planet and democracy. And we need all the others to vote for them!

    1. Thanks pala and I totally agree about the future.

  3. I had civics at one time in my school career (before college)


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