
He drives me crazy.  Just in the past week I have finally started to laugh at some of his hijinks.  Like name calling Dianne Feinstein “sneaky Dianne” and saying Steve Bannon is “Sloppy Steve, who cried and begged for his job.”  Thank God for humor.

But I’d like to just say, for the record, what specifically drives me crazy:

      There is something wrong with him mentally.  I’m not sure what it is exactly (i suspect he has narcissitic personality disorder, after reading what various psychologists have said).  but i do think that the only way we would know would be if he submitted to a psychological examination.  (By the way, his recent “great score” on the cognitive test means nothing in terms of psychological fitness).  I know when someone shows the signs of being unstable.  Trump is very unstable.  Regarding narcissistic personality disorder, it is characterized by a long-standing pattern of grandiosity (either in fantasy or actual behavior), an overwhelming need for admiration, and usually a complete lack of empathy toward others.  Sound familiar?

 He is a terrible leader.  Example:  Korea – he has gotten into a pissing match with Kim Jong Un about who has the most nuclear weapons, who has a bigger button on their desk (?)  and who’s most brave in using their nuclear weapons.  Deadly stuff.  And this disrespect has spread across the world.  Countries no longer look to the U.S. as an example of a democracy.

3   He has been accused of sexual harassment by 10-15 women.  He has been taped saying to come on to a woman you can just “grab them by the pussy”.  Recently it has come to light that he had an affair with “Stormy Daniels”, a porn star while his new son, Barron, was only a few months old.

    He encourages white nationalists.  After the Charlottsville riot, he said “there were good people on both sides.”

5   He has no sense of decorum.  The President is supposed to work hard, and be an example to Americans, caring deeply for our country and maintaining the dignity of the office.  Instead, Trump has consistently shown he doesn’t care about the rest of the world or the high office to which he has been elected.

There are scores of other examples of his showing he is not fit to be President (example:  taking the U.S out of the Paris Climate Accord – we are now the only country who hasn’t signed it). 

The 30-something % of people who still support him are even more baffling.  They are usually called his “base”.  I see them as people who are woefully under-informed.


  1. Actually Nicaragua and Syria have both signed the accord now

  2. I thought I had read something about that, guess i read a story that hadn't been updated. Thanks for the correction.

  3. I hate the thought of the United States no longer being respected and stand as a strong example to other countries of what honor, strength, unity, dignity and decorum look like. We are a laughing stock to other countries and/or they pity us. It is because of this man. We've had presidents before with policies everyone did not agree with and some policies were out there . I know that is how it goes. Not everyone gets what they want all the time. I can somewhat control that by contacting my legislators, voting again in a presidential election, etc. But his personal undignified, crass behavior acts as a beacon to the world and sets that example that all Americans are crass, undignified, unfiltered, narcissistic, rude, unfaithful bullies. I can't control that. He's supposed to control that because...well he's the president. But it certainly doesn't seem like it. And the media (don't even get me started) just feeds off of this, further dividing the country.
    I do agree that there is something wrong with him mentally. And the past couple years he really has let his freak flag fly. But how do you petition for your president to be psychologically evaluated? I don't think you do, and if he was you'de never get the real results.
    I am praying this 3 remaining years are over soon and Americans will be wiser from experience and not re-elect him (Mark my word, he will run again because it's a contest and he must win it...whether he wants the job or not, because everything is a pissing match to him). Or demand better candidates and learn to recognize the signs early of a poor leader with mental illness. Hopefully we all step up our game this next election and demand more based on this crazy 4 year ride.

  4. I agree he is mentally unstable and not fit to lead. Former president Obama wasn’t perfect, but he was a diplomat. Trump is a bully and regardless of his supposed IQ and physical health, we are in trouble.

    To me, Trevor Noah and Trae Crowder (Liberal Redneck) are two admirable examples of using humor along with information in these embarrassing times. I especially appreciate that each represent parts of America I find amazing: Noah is an immigrant and yet he “gets” America’s oddities and atrocities. Crowder is a white rural heterosexual from Tennessee who is too smart to be part of Trump’s base.

    If there is anything positive about Trump’s presidency it is that amazing voices like these have plenty of straw to transform to gold, though technically that insults straw, and as of now, these voices haven’t been censored.

  5. Well said, Opaline. Who are you, btw, if you care to let me know.


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