
Some thoughts on the subject, which I hope will help you.

Be careful where you get your information.  Don’t listen to Pence or Trump; they have a political agenda of minimizing what is going on.  Trump has been spewing nonsense.  His only goal is to make the stock market stabilize, so he can say the economy is good, so he can get re-elected.

The only 100% reliable source is the Centers for Disease Control.  Their website is  Please check this out now.  It has all the information you need to know.

Don’t read tabloids.  Their goal is to boost readership, and they do this by ginning up the worst gossip about the virus.

Gossip or Nihilism:  When your friends talk gossip or scenarios where everyone dies, either ignore them and don’t discuss the virus with them again, or tell them about the CDC website.

Once per day:  Promise yourself you will only read about the epidemic once per day.  Go to the CDC website and see what’s new.  When you’re done, you’re done for the day.

Other than this, relax!  The CDC says chance of transmission is currently low in the U.S.

If you have other advice about how to cope, please leave it in the comments.

Don’t forget to subscribe!

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:  For a worldwide look at COVID-19, this page shows not only those who are affected, and those who have died, but also shows how many have RECOVERED:


  1. The problem with the CDC is it's under the control of Trump's goons and has been vastly underfunded by his admin. The numbers of people in the US who have COVID-19 are not known largely because of inadequate testing. The admin has so far been unable and unwilling to answer the basic question of whether those citizens who do not have health insurance are being tested, and if not, why? A simple look at the numbers of reported cases in Canada (with ten times the population) versus the US is a stark reminder of the unknown numbers.

    1. Pally, thanks for your comment. Yes, I'm aware of the underfunding of the CDC and subsequent lack of personnel. However, our Congress just passed additional funding for the efforts to control coronavirus. If you (or anyone else) are interested, please see:


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